Sunday, February 12, 2012

Where are we going?

Our church needs a plan for the future, and we need your creative ideas and prayerful discernment to begin the process. We have taken the first step by forming a Visioning Team charged to collect the needs and ideas of our congregation. We will then make prioritized, strategic action plans.

How can you help?

1.) Pray - ask for God to guide our church in the direction He wants for us and grant us the willingness to let him lead.

2.) Share - post a need you think our church has or a creative idea on this blog or the bulletin board in the breezeway.

3.) Discern - each ministry team is asked to discern what their ministry needs to grow and fulfill the church's mission.

4.) Brainstorm - meet with the Vision Team at second Sunday breakfast when your ministry of interest is    scheduled. All ideas, big and small, are welcome.

5.) Inform - if you have specific knowledge about the church building, land, surrounding property, or state and local regulations, please help us by identifying yourself as a  resource for any large scale vision plans.